Forgetful Love


I can remember being in my classroom teaching kindergarten and one of my students were misbehaving. I continued to correct them and give them a warning  of what my next discipline action would be. They continued  to misbehave. This particular student loved to help me during story time so i decided that I would get another student to help me. My misbehaving student was so upset and hurt. They kept say, “I promise I be good.” For the remainder of the day my student was so hurt and upset that he just sat with his head down until it was time to go home.

I couldn’t help but think about my little student when I went home. I thought about how  awesome my student normally behaves. I thought about how my student typically is my best student. I thought about tomorrow and how I hoped I didn’t have to give his mom another bad report or have to use someone else during story time. I didn’t want to have to take away the things he enjoyed or watch him have a bad mood for so long. When he worked in class he was so creative and funny and he sought my approval of everything he did hoping I would like it as much as he did.

The next day while I was waiting for to receive my students he came running through the doors as usual and ran straight to me and hugged me. He continued the day as he use to. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was going to have a bad day or not. I also couldn’t believe that it was almost as if he couldn’t remember yesterday. He was no longer mad or upset. He continued to be the loveable, creative, fun kid he had always been. I couldn’t help but forget how horrible his bad day was and love him for that new day!

I remember someone saying that in order for them to love me they had to have a forgetful memory. I remember wondering what that meant when  they initially said it until they continued to explain. “If I look at you through your mistakes it will make it hard for me to love you. I have to forget… continue to love you.” 1Cor.. 13:5 “‘love keeps no record of wrong.” Some of us keep wrap sheets of others wrongs and we remember the mistakes and it hinders us from moving forward. I am guilty of this at times because i seek to protect my feelings or have a handle on the future. But love is forgetful and it keeps no record of your wrongs and mistakes. Meaning, things you no longer do your imperfect ways of being. Hebrews 8:12 “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” God is so merciful that when we repent and are genuinely remorseful in our mistakes and we want to change and do better….He doesnt hold our mistakes against us.  Now dont misunderstand, there are some things and situations that vary as it pertains to your well-being. But for the most part we can try not to keep a record of wrong that prevents us from loving with the love of God.


Focus: keeping no record of others wrongs-it causes us to withhold the love of God.

Prayer: Lord thank you for another day that you have allowed us to make it to. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for reminding us in your word that as far as the east is from the west…thats where are sins are when we confess, repent and turn away from them. Thank you for not holding our past or the flaws that we have against us. Than you for not withholding your love. God help us to love with your love. Help us to forgive one another with your heart. help us to forget the wrongs that others have done to us so that when we pray for them, see them or think of them our hearts are pure. In Jesus Name Amen.

One response to “Forgetful Love

  1. bonniemanning

    This is a great message on love! we all I think are guilty at times in keeping track of mistakes…

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